You've bought yourself an existing, operating, small business. The deed is done. You have avoided most of the start-up problems and learning curves by purchasing a going business. You believe the business was priced low. It will be at least a year before you find out for certain. Most buyers don't really pay a lot of attention to the minor problems and weaknesses. They often come as a surprise and cause a new buyer to question if he or she made a mistake. Usually a mild case of buyers remorse shows up, but only temporarily. You may, for example, find that sales are lower than you expected, operating costs are higher, and personnel problems happen just when you don't expect them. Yikes! The business isn't exactly as represented. You are now the owner just beginning to deal with things like this. Now you understand why the previous owners were so anxious to sell. Despite words to the contrary they probably developed an increasing lack of enthusiam - and de...