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Showing posts from April, 2017

What Comes Next- And When

The speed of progress is astounding.  Watching television a few days ago I listened to Mark Cuban talk about subjects that I know little about. It was fascinating. He started with cars. Automatic cars. Driverless cars. Cars that think for themselves. All of which ended with a conversation about "artificial intelligence". Frankly, some of the discussion went right over my head.  He began talking about the growth of computer knowledge and abilities that will result in the power to exponentially grow. Ultimately the amount of knowledge will exceed that of human beings. At that point "artificial intelligence" will control human beings.  Mr. Cuban stopped there and asked "when this happens in the future, and it will, where will human beings fit in the composition of the universe".   Several brilliant minds have been working on the answer but no consensus exists - except one. The transition from the dominance of human beings on earth will end will be ...