So it came to pass.
(1) Medicare will be cut 1/2 trillion dollars. Sure it will.
When was the last time you saw a federal entitlement program cut?
(2) Doctors will be paid 20% less the first year and receive
no increase during the following ten years.
Boy, are they going to love that.
(3) Virtually every opinion poll indicates a massive
disapproval of the legislation, less than 300 members
of the House and Senate have shoved the bill
down the throats of 300 million people.
So much for representing your interests.
(4) Sadly, it is now estimated that fewer than 1 in 4 people
who voted to pass this thing have actually read it.
Party politics wins again.
(5) The grand promises of transparency and compromise
turned out to be a lie.
This healthcare overhauling legislation has never been
examined, published or even written - which is in violation
of rules the legislators set themselves.
(6) Worst of all our President, after Ben Nelson (D. Neb.) sold
his "yes" vote, said "Let's bring this long and vigorous
debate to an end."
Whoa! There was no debate. None. "This was a behind
closed doors, in the dark, shove it down their throats,
one-sided-robbery oi our civil right to decide our own
fate when it comes to health care."
(1) Medicare will be cut 1/2 trillion dollars. Sure it will.
When was the last time you saw a federal entitlement program cut?
(2) Doctors will be paid 20% less the first year and receive
no increase during the following ten years.
Boy, are they going to love that.
(3) Virtually every opinion poll indicates a massive
disapproval of the legislation, less than 300 members
of the House and Senate have shoved the bill
down the throats of 300 million people.
So much for representing your interests.
(4) Sadly, it is now estimated that fewer than 1 in 4 people
who voted to pass this thing have actually read it.
Party politics wins again.
(5) The grand promises of transparency and compromise
turned out to be a lie.
This healthcare overhauling legislation has never been
examined, published or even written - which is in violation
of rules the legislators set themselves.
(6) Worst of all our President, after Ben Nelson (D. Neb.) sold
his "yes" vote, said "Let's bring this long and vigorous
debate to an end."
Whoa! There was no debate. None. "This was a behind
closed doors, in the dark, shove it down their throats,
one-sided-robbery oi our civil right to decide our own
fate when it comes to health care."
Okay folks. Our heritage has been stomped on. Who did it?
You may print in bold letters:
I have to admit I have been extremely naive as to how Washington really works. I assumed there were compromises and I assumed that people mainly voted along party lines, but I thought their motive was to make sure their party supported them in the next election.
If it wasn't so gawdawful, I would laugh about the Starbucks campaign that gave away free coffee if you voted at the last election. They were immediately reprimanded and had to give away a free coffee to everyone otherwise it was considered "buying votes".
But CONGRESS CAN PAY FOR VOTES for their bills they want passed. And those votes sure as hell cost alot more than a cup of Joe. And those bribes cost me money without my consent.
Throw all the bums out and let's elect regular citizens that are not corrupted by the system.
And they wonder why people are gathering for the Tea Parties. They'd rather just ram it down our throats and call us filthy porn names when we dessent.