Americans are avoiding the obvious. We are thoroughly enmeshed in a religious war with the Religion of Islam that threatens us and most other nations of the world. It's guerrilla type war rather than a conventional one, but war nevertheless. Battles usually involve a small number of victims, but not always. The attack on 9/11 for example, resulted in a very large death toll. There are have been several other large and vicious attacks as well. Usually they involve a few perpetrators led by an independent leader and designed to murder as many people as possible. Americans persist in referring to each attack as an "isolated terrorist incident", or some other even less disturbing woods. Actually, they are the attacks of a singularly vicious enemy. An enemy like no other we've seen looking back in time several centuries. It is a large war that has two alarming characteristics:
1. The support and attacks are largely coming from people who have nothing to lose. They lead impoverished lives of overwhelming poverty, and the foot soldiers are often suicidal fanatics. They are for the most part still unorganized and have no real leadership structures although this is beginning to change.
2. These people, our enemy, turn to the Religion of Islam to justify butchering those that resist, and the large scale killing of innocents. For simple atrocities they claim their actions to be sanctified by Sharia Law. They claim the murdering is sanctified by their Holy Book, the Qu'ran.We have been blaming "radical Islam" and not the overall causative agent, The "Religion of Islam" itself. With one mistake we have excused the 80% or more of the peaceful people that practise the "Religion of Islam". Isn't this rather stupid? Peaceful Muslim millions should be the most vocal, most powerful, and most effective enemies of Islamic Terrorism - but they are not They ignore their responsibility.
Why is there no adequate response from peaceful Muslims?