After no more than two seconds of deliberation I voted for Donald Trump. Well, actually I voted against Hillary. She has proved over and over that her decisions have been wrong. She is a living example of political corruption and and as far as I'm concerned she is a proven criminal is and disqualified for any sort of public office. Of course, Donald Trump was a gamble. An important gamble. There was no other choice.
Like a number of Americans I have been on the sidelines for years as the Democratic Party pushed their left wing progressive ideas. They kept telling everyone that they knew the best way to run a government. Their ideas have generally asked the government to provide more of everything. In order to do so they keep adding to the government employment rolls and increasing the national debt. I'm not talking about wars and the military, but looking at most everything else.
America came of age during World War Two. Following that awful conflict we became the most powerful nation on the planet. Our brilliant politicians decided that to protect that position and to attempt to ensure ourselves from further wars America must insert itself in foreign affairs. We needed to protect the vulnerable nations from the aggressive nations. So we grandly spent our money on what became known as dollar diplomacy. We rebuilt our World War enemies, we stationed military bases in politically sensitive and defenseless countries, and we continued to spend money to build an extraordinary and overwhelming military superiority and became the world's policeman.
For a while both of our political parties pretty much stayed on their track. The Democrats continued their liberal agendas and the Republicans tended to resist. Time passed. The Democrats have now evolved and become today's ultra liberal, far left, progressive political party. Meanwhile, the Republicans first aided the military industrial complex and neglected domestic problems, that is until both developed into dangerous situations. Then, more recently, the Republicans began drifting in and out of more conservative and traditional agendas. Today the Republicans are a conflicted party. Perhaps 'confused' is a better word to use.
So Donald Trump has been elected. The rabid, ultra liberal left extremists are protesting way too much. They strongly feel that America is no longer exceptionable and our form government is no longer competent. They believe we should trend toward socialism.
The Donald Trump supporters believe that our government remains definitely exceptionable and the traditions of America must be preserved. Like the Americans of the past, the Donald Trump supporters expect the more reasonable citizens should join forces and try to make the change of direction a success.