Watched the Golden Globe Awards show last night. As usual, it was not a very good presentation. The host was his normal blah self and was largely ignored. The actual show itself was almost average - except when it strayed into political opinion. The Golden Globes, is not the place for anyone to use the microphone to advance or even mention politics. This production was filled with liberal political garbage.
Should we not expect the audience, participants, and award winners to be happy and grateful, to thank those that helped them achieve their celebrity?
But a few award winners this year chose to be stupid.
Should we not expect the audience, participants, and award winners to be happy and grateful, to thank those that helped them achieve their celebrity?
But a few award winners this year chose to be stupid.
The actors and actresses that were out of line were all, everyone of them, ultra-liberal Democratic Party members who are unhappy with the outcome of the recent presidential election. They truly believe the are superior and more politically knowledgeable than half of their fans and followers. They actually consider their celebrity has bestowed brilliance upon them that must be shared from their prominence On this occasion each one of this twits belong to a rabidly-liberal-socialist-communist minority in America who voted for Hillary Clinton, and they lost the very close election.
It takes a mentally challenged person to stand on a stage and tell half of the audience and half of their fans that they are stupid. The hype and build up during the presidential campaign provided a serious division between those who approved the progressive trend of the government, and those who rejected it.
What purpose is served by jackass actors alienating half of the people they entertain?
What purpose is served by jackass actors alienating half of the people they entertain?