Obama goes to Norway and gives one of his best speeches yet. It really was. I wonder who wrote it? His PR people are going to have to slow down the teleprompters. The poor guy damn near broke his neck looking from one to the other. Obama only used the word "I" 36 times - a new record low. Listening to him requires the rest of us genuflect carefully and applaud on cue. But we're not so dumb. If we bow low enough everything he lies about goes right overhead.
Am I the only one getting tired of: Superbama? Pinochiobama? Moronobama?
To be honest, for eight years I thought Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld could fib with the best of them. That was long before the King of Glib arrived on the scene. Now we have a real grand master in the house. Just listen:
I . . . saved America's economy.
I . . . am going to end the Iraq war.
I . . . am going to talk the Iranians into peace.
I . . . am going to ram Gov't. Healthcare through
Congress before anyone reads it.
I . . . am going to save a million jobs in my country.
I . . . am going to lead the war on Global Warming.
I . . . am going to spend twenty times more
money than any other President.
I . . . am the only President in office who owns
a part of General Motors.
I . . . intend to bankrupt all private medical
insurance companies.
I . . . was given the Nobel Peace prize after 14 days
in office and for doing nothing.
Obama appears to think he has been anointed to dump America and start over. Most Americans by far think it would be better if he got dumped and America was saved by a proud and more reasonable leader. One who listened to all sides. One who didn't appoint all "yes men". One who was not so anxious to discard good traditions.
All presidents have to use the I and have to press their policies. Bush did it and so did Reagan or Clinton. It is just how it must be if a leader hopes to do anything. We don't elect someone to beg. He's done too much trying to get along with the right as it is.
I can't imagine that the Republicans are quite so stupid. Surely they won't put up McCain(too old) Cheney(too frail) or Palin(too lightweight).
At the same time we would all be just as dumb if we let the Obama crowd continue their ridiculous push to the far-far-far left.
Michael Steele doesn't inspire as a party leader either. If the Republicans are going to get anywhere they will have to discover several middle-right politicians without serious skeletons in the closet . . . and soon.
I don't see them. Do you?
I don't know about the Republicans and who would be better. Neither party really generates great statesmen right now. By the time they get to the top, the lobbyists own them all. Is there something in the water here? I can't even think of people from outside politics, like business leaders or even celebrities who I think would be better. It's very disillusioning. Of course with the religious right dominating the choices for Republicans, you cannot see a man, who might be a good leader, getting that far if he has sexual secrets back there. And can they get up there if they haven't already sold out to big interests? So far it doesn't look like it for either party!
Tell it Rain!
(Obama '08!)