The REPUBLICAN PARTY is doing it's very best to self-distruct. This fellow Michael Steele needs to get his head screwed on straight and start pulling an agenda and a team together. We have before us sky rocketing spending, an unsettled war in Iraq, more troops headed for Afghanistan-Pakistan, and the idiot Democrats trying to ram a stupid, expensive, poorly thought out, partisan health care legislation through the Congress.
A ridiculously unimportant kind of almost racial comment made by Harry Reid way back when. He probably shouldn't have made it, but nobody cares anyway. Not even Mr. Obama. It's old and unimportant news. Let's drop it and move on.
Granted, I do not like this fellow HARRY REID and admire his politics even less. But partisan bickering over his poor but irrelevant choice of words is truly dumber than dumb. We don't need our GOP leaders distracted by this kind of nonsense.
- When, if ever, are the leaders of the GOP going to figure it out?
When are we going to see a few prospective standard bearers put their toe in the water?
When are we going to have a ten or twelve point list of center-right GOP principles we can subscribe to?
When are we going to muster a coalition of center-right Republicans to support?
ACORN running our census.
Liars and cheats in charge of our Depts. of Health and Treasury, Congress, and now nominated to head the TSA.
Our President catering to Labor Unions, shortchanging the rest of the Nation while purchasing their votes.
Instead of transparency, we have opaqueness.
Instead of unity, we have the most racially divided nation I've experienced in my adult life.
We cannot even discern "pointless wars" from a war against evil that seeks to enslave more than half our population.
Can you tell me how our we, as a Nation, survive what seems to be the systematic destruction of our legal, social, and economic foundations? A Nation that sees true evil, yet takes a "See no evil, hear no evil" attitude?
I've tried to have a dialogue...
it's not possible. You can make an OBVIOUS point, and when they realize they cannot sensibly argue, the opposition ignores it.
Ears that hear. Eyes that see. Heart that feels?
I'm done.
Henceforth I'll worry about friends and loved ones. When "the troubles" start, unless you are in that number, don't come knockin' on my door.