Over the past few months I've been watching the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT. They support conservative positions but do they go too far? I view political rallies, marches, and picketing with a jaudiced eye. There have been too many of these groups taken over by the lunatic fringe. (The John Birch Society comes to mine). You know, the boneheads that go radical. But so far I have been impressed with the peaceful character of the TEA PARTIES . They appear not to be radicals at all, and very much in favor of our traditional values, our American heritage, and perhaps most important, they advocate common sense. Sarah Palin is the best known member and it's easy for me to rally around her. She has a genuine talent and a solid conservative history. Despite the awful liberal attacks on her personal life, she stands firm with her beliefs. I like that a lot. I am, however, very ...