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Showing posts from January, 2017

America Needs A Better Map

A group of guys, some wealthy, some smart, and some that were neither, dreamed of a government  elected by the citizens it governed, and then refreshed periodically with term limits and newly elected representatives. To protect the new government from its self they divided it into three parts; the executive branch (President), the congress (Senate and House of Representatives), and the judicial (Supreme Court). Each of these divisions was to oversee the other two and was empowered to override. The guys made a few mistakes which were corrected as the government grew larger but there have been, in 235+ years, remarkably few corrections. The original government structure was distilled from previous governments and strongly linked to ancient philosophers, the Judaeo-Christian religion and ethical and moral teachings, and the factual  experiences of history. This foundation was negatively influenced by the oppressive demands of the rulers of the countries the guys ca...

Aktion Club Meeting Highlights

2011 Aktion Club (Indianapolis Conference Highlights)

Aktion Club Conference - Baltimore 2016


He got elected yesterday. Amazing. His acceptance speech was fairly good but certainly not perfect. It sounded like a playback of his raucous campaign speeches, and it did hit all of the contentious topics that are bothering most Americans. As usual, his arrogance took the edge off nearly every topic as he spoke. He continued to promise aggressive action to cure America's many problems, and to do so immediately.  This impossible rhetoric was gratefully accepted with loud cheers voices and waving flags, but by only half by half of the audience.  Our new president is a tough old bird. Standing right in front of the Presidents of previous administrations he called them all ineffective and wasteful executives who have given away the country in order to enhance their positions, and avoid dismissal. He had no compliments or soft words for the political men and women that have lead America in recent years. He made it crystal clear that many of them have been lazy in office, in effe...

The Last Democrat Dumbo

America has barely survived the worst President ever to serve in the office. Yes, Mr. Obama gets the trophy. There is about 60 hours left of his term in office and he is using it to sabotage his successor. This fits perfectly with his lack of character. Yesterday  he released four more terrorists that we were housing in Gitmo, and returned them to the middle east to fight us again. A bitter, petulant and stupid action. This  Mr. Obama is the same guy that commuted the sentences of more convicted criminals and more military prisoners during his eight years in office than any other President in recent memory. Now isn't that just great? Recently he threw out the sentence of the soldier that gave Wikileaks highly classified information that many people thought was responsible for the death of active duty soldiers. He didn't pardon the guy or declare that he was innocent. He just thought the sentence was too harsh. At the time of this traitor's trial most people thought the...

Black Talk

Racial bitterness. I wonder if the black vs white problem will ever be solved? I think Probably bot. It will never be resolved unless both sides can put it's the history behind them and start anew as equal neighbors, but is there always an extremist fringe on both sides that fester and fume and divide. They, on each side, include people that have a some public standing that allows them to  aggravate this sensitive division of races. These racist twiddles continue  deplorable racism in our society. In no particular order the aggravating group includes:  Rev. Jesse Jackson /  Rev. Al Sharpton /  Rev. Jeremiah Wright /  Barack Obama Former President /  Eric Holder Former Atty. General /  Congresswoman Maxine Waters /  Congressman John Lewis /  Danny Glover Actor /  Eddie Murphy Actor All of these people have been active for years trying to convince blacks they are inferior to whites. They have do their best to perpetuate the id...

The Wall

History is filled with walls made to keep people in or out. Some have worked and others have not. The Israeli Wall helped the Israelis defend themselves, the Berlin Wall provided limited western access to East Germany long enough for them to establish the Russian government there, and so forth. Now America  wants to construct a wall between Mexico and the United  S tates.  The concept is that a physical wall will stop (or at least slow) illegal immigration from Mexico,  Central America, South America and elsewhere. President  Trump and his advisors believe it will succeed, and I agree.  Much of the wall has already been constructed and so far has shown only limited success. America must now complete the border and control legal access to America.  We all need to realize that illegal immigration will continue. We have about 8,000 miles of unprotected borders. The point is that illegal immigration and the overland route for the present flow of il...

Welcome Vetted Immigrants

Immigrants have become a dangerous problem. They pour into America in such large numbers that we can not absorb them without damaging the fabric of American society. Perhaps our government should decide what percentage of people can be absorbed annually without serious impact on our existing population..  If our population is about 300,000,000 and  we limit immigration to 2% (for example),  then the total number of immigrants allowed would be 6,000,000.  If we then allow only 2% of another country's population to immigrate to America, and then only until our yearly 6,000,000 quota is established. 1. We must not prohibit immigrants from coming, but we must establish a yearly limit. 2. We must investigate their record in the country they are from, and/or were born. 3. We must turn away all who may be considered a possible danger to others. 4. We must challenge anyone who appears questionable in any way. 5. The first (temporary) permit should expir...

Liberal Fools In Hollywood

Watched the Golden Globe Awards show last night. As usual, it was not a very good presentation. The host was his normal blah self and was largely ignored. The actual show itself was almost average - except when it strayed into political opinion. The Golden Globes, is not the place for anyone to use the microphone to advance or even mention politics. This production was filled with liberal political garbage. Should we not expect the audience, participants, and award winners to be happy and grateful, to thank those that helped them achieve their celebrity?  But a few award winners this year chose to be stupid.   The actors and actresses that were out of line were all, everyone of them, ultra-liberal Democratic Party members who are unhappy with the outcome of the recent presidential election. They truly believe the are superior and more politically knowledgeable than half of their fans and followers. They actually consider their celebrity has bestowed brillia...

So I Voted For Trump

After no more than two seconds of deliberation I voted for Donald Trump. Well, actually I voted against Hillary. She has proved over and over that her decisions have been wrong. She is a living example of political corruption and  and as far as I'm concerned she is a proven criminal is and disqualified for any sort of public office. Of course, Donald Trump was a gamble. An important gamble. There was no other choice. Like a number of Americans I have been on the sidelines for years as the Democratic Party pushed their left wing progressive ideas. They kept telling everyone that they knew the best way to run a government. Their ideas have generally asked the government to provide more of everything. In order to do so they keep adding to the government employment rolls and increasing the national debt. I'm not talking about wars and the military, but looking at most everything else. America came of age during World War Two. Following that awful conflict we became t...